Skate The Sunshine State | Greetings From: South Florida
The South Florida skate scene runs deep with history, talent, and community spirit, and today there are generations of pro skateboarders who proudly call it home. From Skatepark of Tampa to Miami's Lot 11 to crusty DIYs dotting the coast, plus all the legendary street spots everywhere you look — the place is a certified skate destination on the map. Ask Jamie Foy, Zion Wright, or Alex Sorgente; the Sunshine State's skate spotlight is bright.
No love letter to Florida’s impact on skateboarding can be complete without a stop by SPoT, where Brian Schaefer and crew welcome the skateboarding world for its industry-shaping Tampa Pro and Tampa Am contests. SPoT lifer Paul Zitzer breaks down the lore of all the legends created there over the years for us, including that of '07 Tampa Am champ Felipe Gustavo.
We meet Nick Katz of Andrew Skateshop, who together with pro skateboarder Danny Fuenzalida started Skate Free and created Lot 11 underneath a downtown Miami freeway. Then there's Tyler Coffman and the local crews keeping it dangerous on the outskirts, building (and re-building) Bum Park, South Florida's finest DIY.
Featuring Joel Meinholz, Pedro Delfino, Ryan Clements, Tyler Bamdas, Phil Hajal, and more, enjoy this core tour of the vibrant South Florida skate community.
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