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My Hallelujah (Live) - Bethel Music, Aodhan King, Hannah McClure

3,118 Views· 01/19/25
2 Subscribers
In Music

Watch "My Hallelujah (Live)" led by Aodhan King, Hannah McClure & Bethel Music live in Redding, CA

Available now: https://BethelMusic.lnk.to/WeMustRespondID

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I may not understand
But I can hardly stand in Your presence
I fall to my knees
The weight of endless glory
It’s almost too much for me to bear
What else could compare

Let my hallelujah be a heart surrendered
Let my whole life sing how I love You, I love You
When my words fall short and I have nothing more
Let my whole life sing how I love You, I love You

There’s nothing I could say
When there's nothing left to pray
It’s Your Spirit that rises within me
It’s deeper than my thoughts
Better than my best of intentions
Oh deep cries to deep

You can have all my moments
All my days
I give You all my worship, Jesus

Written by Paul McClure, Hannah McClure, and Aodhan King

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